this is a great seed, and I recommend you try this out yourself.ġ0876336 comes with three islands together just for you. You may likely stumble upon wollie, an easter egg, that is based on Wilson from castaway. Seed 23301760 has great loot including an axe, hammer, machete, flare, bandage, and lable maker. Launch your game today, navigate to where you can find 23301760 seed and you would for sure come back to thank me. go all the way north and you will find 3 seaports 2. 41215510 seed is easy to find around your starter island are some shipwrecks, at one you’ll find a compass.
BTW the sun sets in the west but rises in the north-east, weird. and if you go south about 4500M and then a bit west you should find two more sets of forts. For seed 41215510, in the new build (.04) if you go straight west from the starting isle, about 3300M give or take, there are 4 seaforts. Here Are The Best Stranded Deep Seeds 2021 1. However, we have made a collection of some of the best seeds available in the game for you. Different seeds come with different configurations, environments, and pretty things to look out for.